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Uninsured Services 非MSP醫療保險計劃 


Patients who reside outside of Canada or who do not have current provincial health care coverage, from BC or another province must pay the fees for their clinic visit directly.

Uninsured services include but not limited to the following: 

"Asymptomatic Complete physical"; travel advice; Sick Note Chart Transfer (patient request); Chart Transfer (physician to physician); Completion of Form/Certificate ; Insurance Letter (requested by patient) ; Missed Appointment (no show or less than 6 hr. notice); Photocopy per page; Review of Records Medicals: Camp / School / Sports; Diving Extensive Diving Recreational (scuba) Driver’s Medical Employment (major exam) ; First Aid Immigration ; Marine Ministry of Transport. 

The fees charged by the clinic for uninsured services are in compliance with the Doctors of British Columbia guidelines, which are updated on an annual basis. Please check with the clinic for specific fees. 

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